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Amsterdam, the Netherlands – Work is frequently perceived as a risk factor rather than a source of wellbeing, life values, development, and health. A special issue of WORK: A Journal of Prevention...

Amsterdam, the Netherlands – Although the European Union (EU) provides strategic leadership to reduce gender inequalities through directives, policy and funding, the transport industry remains a male...

Jacklyn Boheler (she/her) is a Neurodivergent occupational therapist, co-founder of B3 Coffee, and co-founder of OTs for Neurodiversity. Her professional interests include inclusive workplace...

9 MAY 2022 | Texas, USA - "In the future, there will be a greater percentage of the workforce who is involved in some sort of office-style technology work activities," says Mark Benden.

Arguably we likely agree that gardens and gardening is all about the senses, but have you ever stopped to think about just how much it is about the sensory experience? Sure, we have heard the...