Waldemar Karwowski, Ph.D., D.Sc., P.E. is Pegasus Professor and Chairman, Department of Industrial Engineering and Management Systems and Executive Director, Institute for Advanced Systems Engineering, University of Central Florida, Orlando, USA.
He holds an M.S. (1978) in Production Engineering and Management from the Technical University of Wroclaw, Poland, and a Ph.D. (1982) in Industrial Engineering from Texas Tech University. He was awarded D.Sc. (dr habil.) degree in management science by the State Institute for Organization and Management in Industry, Poland (2004). He is Past President of the International Ergonomics Association (2000-2003), and past President of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (2007). Dr. Karwowski served on the Committee on Human Factors/Human Systems Integration, National Research Council, the National Academies, USA (2007–2011). Dr. Karwowski currently serves as Co-Editor-in-Chief of Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science journal (Taylor & Francis, Ltd), and Editor-in-Chief of Human-Intelligent Systems Integration journal (Springer). Dr. Karwowski has over 500 publications focused on human-centered-design of work systems, occupational ergonomics, human performance, safety engineering, human systems integration, soft computing, nonlinear dynamics, and neuroergonomics.