Tanja Stamm is professor for Outcomes Research and deputy head of the Center for Medical Statistics, Informatics, and Intelligent Systems at the Medical University of Vienna.
She takes a keen interest in outcomes measures in general and more specifically, in patient-reported outcome measures and the WHO Classification of Functioning, Disability and
Health. Following her completion of degrees in occupational therapy and educational science undertaken in Vienna, she completed a further postgraduate program in Business and Management, a PhD in the field of patient-reported outcomes in the United Kingdom and a doctorate degree in human biology in Germany. She has published over 150 scientific
articles. Additionally, Professor Stamm was project leader on the Gender, Occupational balance and Immunology (GOBI) study from 2008 to 2013 and several other studies relating to the WHO International Classification of Functioning Disability and Health. Currently, Tanja Stamm is also vice president of the European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR) representing Health Professionals in Rheumatology. She is the
editor of the newly founded International Journal of Health Professions and member of the editorial boards of WORK, the Central European Journal of Medicine and RMD Open, as well as member of several international and national task forces and advisory boards.