We are excited to announce the opportunity to publish in a Special Issue of WORK– A Journal of Prevention, Assessment & Rehabilitation published by IOS Press (https://www.iospress.nl/journal/work/) based on the programming presented at IEA2021.
The theme of this Special Issue is:
Human Factors and Ergonomics in an Interconnected World: Directions for the future
This in an opportunity to further share the teachings you presented at IEA2021 as
- Scientific Track Manager – involving on the most exciting presenters from your track as co-authors
- Keynote speaker – building on your assessment of the state of HFE in your research / practice and your vision for a better future
- Special Session Organizer - compiling the input of panelists from your session into an integrated paper
- Author of a particular communication presented – building on your extended abstract or complementing the contents of your Proceedings Chapter (without violating the Consent to publish agreement signed). This may be presented either as a research paper or as a practitioner-focused case study.
This special issue aims to showcase the breadth of presentations presented at IEA2021, rather than being limited to a specific subject area. As an author of in this Special Issue of WORK, you will help bring the contents of this triennial gathering in exceptional circumstances to an even wider public and help it live on beyond the congress dates.
What you should know:
- Deadline for all submissions is August 27th. (This allows you time to reflect on how your work presented and your discussions and debates with other attendees at the IEA2021 congress help determine how HFE should be directed in the future in this interconnected world.
- All submissions must follow the Instructions for Preparation of Manuscripts for the journal WORK (http://workjournal.org/preparation-manuscripts).
- When submitting, please indicate the IEA2021 Special issue so that your submission will be directed to the guest editors and their reviewer team.
- All submissions will be peer-reviewed.
- We expect the special issue to be published within 12 months of the Congress.
- WORK is published in both paper and electronic formats. All papers will be free to read.
Guest editors include:
Nancy Black – IEA2021 Technical Program co-chair, Lead Editor
Kathleen Mosier – President IEA
Thomas Alexander – Science Technology and Practice Standing Committee Chair
Sara Albolino – IEA Vice-President & Secretary General
José Orlando Gomes – IEA Vice-President & Treasurer
If you have any further questions concerning this publication opportunity, please contact any of the guest editors, or Nancy.Black@umoncton.ca (Lead Editor).
We look forward to your submission!