Associate Professor Marina Ciccarelli (OTR) teaches and researches in the School of Occupational Therapy, Social Work, and Speech Pathology at Curtin University in Perth Western Australia. She holds a Bachelor of Applied Science in Occupational Therapy, a Graduate Diploma in Occupational and Safety, and a Master of Science and PhD in the field of Ergonomics from Curtin University.
Marina has worked in Australia and the USA in roles that have promoted the health, safety, and wellbeing of workers in a range of occupations, including children and their use of technology. She has coordinated return to work outcomes for injured workers, and supported people living with disability to find their place in society through meaningful work. Marina is presently leading research into a world-first digital solution to empower young people on the autism spectrum to plan and prepare for post-school education, training, or work.
Marina has been a member of the Editorial Board of Work for over 10 years and has enjoyed reviewing submissions to the journal across a very wide range of topics. She is an active member of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Australia, and was scientific convener for the Society’s 2018 National Conference.
When not working, Marina enjoys international travel with her husband Paul – exploring roads less worn and hanging out with the locals. Her short-term travel goals are to become fluent (or at least less bad!) in speaking Italian and has plans to walk the Camino in Portugal and Spain.