Dr. Matheson is a neurorehabilitation psychologist and inventor who has published more than 50 peer-reviewed papers and presented more than 100 invited papers and chapters in rehabilitation.
He was the originator of Work Hardening and Work Capacity Evaluation and authored the chapters on Functional Capacity Evaluation in the American Medical Association’s Disability Evaluation textbooks. He has invented several innovative methods and tools that are in use by rehabilitation professionals throughout the world. He helped to found and served as an associate editor of the Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation and is on the editorial board of Work: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment & Rehabilitation, the two leading peer-reviewed journals in the field. He served on the editorial board of Spine for several years. He has been a faculty member at Loma Linda University, the University of Southern California, the University of California Irvine, and the University of California San Diego, before moving to St. Louis to work for fifteen years as an Associate Professor of Neurology and Occupational Therapy at the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, from which he is now retired. He maintains an active consulting and psychotherapy practice with people who have physical, neurological and psychological disabilities in Chico, California. He trains and mentors rehabilitation professionals throughout North America, the European Union, Asia, and Australia.