Jennifer Long, optometrist and Certified Professional Ergonomist, is based in Sydney, Australia.
She has worked in the ophthalmic industry since 1988 and in the health and safety industry since 1999, and gained a PhD from the University of New South Wales (UNSW) Australia in 2013 on the topic of work-related discomfort and injuries in Australian optometrists.
Jennifer’s business, Jennifer Long Visual Ergonomics, provides consultancy services in visual ergonomics and occupational optometry, with the purpose to make work more visually comfortable for people. She has provided consultancy advice across a range of industries including offices, healthcare, retail, industrial, manufacturing and transport. Her particular areas of expertise are vision and visual displays, lighting and glare.
Jennifer holds a visiting appointment (Conjoint Senior Lecturer) at the School of Optometry and Vision Science, UNSW in Sydney, Australia. She is also a committee member of the Standards Australia SF006 committee for Eye and Face Protection, a member of the Executive Team for the International Ergonomics Association Visual Ergonomics Technical Committee, and is Vice President of the Australian branch of the International Commission on Illumination (CIE Australia). She has published more than 27 peer-reviewed journal articles, 5 book chapters, 4 editorials and numerous articles in conference proceedings and professional trade magazines. In 2014 Jennifer was a guest editor for a special visual ergonomics issue of WORK which included 14 articles on the topic of visual ergonomics. Jennifer has been an editorial board member of WORK since 2014.